Booty Blastin' Demo
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux
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This is a single-player demo for the upcoming multiplayer FPS game Booty Blastin'
Booty Blastin' is a free, multiplayer FPS. Collect loot (aka booty), sell it for cash, and become the richest player in the lobby. If you die, you drop your loot and respawn with an empty inventory. Hurry and fill it back up before the game ends!
Note: If you are getting a "file is damaged" error on Mac, here is a link to a workaround that may help you (I can't help you if it doesn't work, sorry)
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Click download now to get access to the following files:
bblastin_demo_win.zip 233 MB
bblastin_demo_mac.dmg 279 MB
bblastin_demo_linux.zip 235 MB
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Sad it's cancelled, but glad he's doing something he enjoys.
nooooooo its cancelled ):
https://whitefox777.itch.io/x-troid try please try i am your biggest fan I am inspired from you
Pretty smooth for a demo, I wish you all the luck for the development of the game!
He cancelled it unfortunately.
Hi I quite like the game!
However, I think I found a really small bug.
After entering a game, if you press esc to access the pause menu and you press Credits, the credits pages shows. However, there is no way to hide the credits page afterwards.
Also really curious, what is the commands panel for?
Nice game!
Currently my favourite aim practice game
Amazing recoil bro! xD
Cool demo but i still can't kill the fly flying in my room
Hey quick note, Double pumping is a thing, also the shotgun reload breaks when you do this so you shoot two then switch shoot two, and by the time you switch back the first one has finished reloading, super fun please keep it
i dont like inverted recoil
This is decent for a pre-alpha demo, but i do have some critiques:
1) Weapon handling:
- Run and gun has no disadvantages, neither increased recoil, or weapon spread nor a movement penalty, making it the preferred way to play
- Playing scoped therefore has no advantages, not even zooming in. It also has no movement penalty, meaning you can run and gun with the scope if you want your screen to be obstructed be the sights
- Recoil behaves in different ways when hip-firing, but the difference is marginal on any gun other then the M4
- Only having vertical view kick when spraying allows for easy counter movement with your hand (pulling the mouse down when full auto), eliminating the effects of recoil
- Recoil is especially large after the first shot, making tap fire and burst fire ineffective, actually semi auto is sometimes worse than full auto
- Either Weapon projectiles or the character hit boxes are huge, allowing for some very questionable hits
2) Weapon balance :
- Firstly, the 5 weapon slots are way to much, maybe this is just a demo feature, but it makes weapon selection irrelevant and allows for a double, triple and quadruple magazines, because there is no weapon switch time
- The M4 and AK are similar in dps and ttk as far as i could tell, so in full auto they can fill the same roll, though i do like the classic distinction between slow and higher dmg AK and faster but lower dmg M4, only question would be possible future headshot damage, which could render one option useless, if the other can one-tap
- The pistols high damage and broken semi auto firing rate make it far superior to all other guns. I would either give it lower dmg filling a backup role, or going all in and having a crazy stacked pistol with drum magazine and x4 scope or something
- As all other weapons, the shotgun has no falloff even at the greatest of ranges and has the same spread pattern every time, favoring the top left - depending on your preference, you can also leave this in as a higher skilled player will be able to perfect this.
I actually think that the shotgun has the best balance right now, playing kinda like the mastiff from apex, being able to outperform automatic guns with clever use of cover
- The jar is a fun little mechanic with questionable physics, although the splash damage aoe is not telegraphed well. It also feels like a gameplay element of a fast paced party game rather then a tactical option, which leads to my next big point :
3) Preferred Gameplay experience:
So into here I´m gonna put the big question about the actually Gameplay type this game is going to have. Some of the mechanics give off a fun party game style and others more tactical elements. This leads to the question, what type of shooter is this ?
It could either be a game like Totally accurate battle grounds with fast, quirky movement, run and gun, chaotic firefights and cool upgrades; or it could be a more tactical, slower moving game, where you have to select your attachments with care and think about what weapons to turn into cash, use cover and fight over the weapon drop zone.
4) Miscellaneous :
-The manteling ability is neat for getting into an elevated positions, but the execution is kinda rough. It feels like I´m moreso slipping up the corner and then sliding quite far onto the new surface.
- In the videos you described a system of weapon attachments, being able to upgrade your weapon of choice to fit any situation, though this system doesnt fit in with the cashing in weapons and loosing all gear on death mechanics. I see two problems: first, being able to upgrade a shotgun into a sniper means that initial weapon choice is irrelevant, secondly, you cant upgrade a weapon fully in a single life without greater time to kill overall, which would screw up the whole style and would require a vastly different game type, namely a more tactical one
- Please think about accessibility early enough (not yet, but in the first beta for sure), as adding in features later will be harder than incorporating them into the design
- I´m not a fan of the font on itch.io, being hard to read
- Right now, the game is very heavy on my Pc, although I am using a decent middle class laptop, the fans go on full throttle
5) Bugs and Polish:
- Reloading can be skipped on any weapon, by dropping and picking it back up
- When holding no weapon, the ammo displays 999/999, when no weapon was picked up, or the last ammo count before dropping a weapon
- Reloading and throwing away a gun or reloading and firing at the same time breaks the weapon idle, fire, scope and reload animations
- when changing settings input is still detected and the player character moves
- the credits window is a toggle and leaving it on while getting back into game, you can manage to get the credits stuck ontop of the gameplay
- you can get stuck behind the weapons delivery pod by crouching and jumping
- looking directly up and shooting without moving the camera keeps on adding the upwards view kick from recoil, making the view flip upside down eventually, the inverse will happen when facing down with the shotgun also allowing view kick to further shift the yaw of the camera then normally allowed
- you can pick up items through solid walls
- changing the pov via console has resulted in intense drop of fps
You are asking a lot for a demo though.
I don't think so, check out "road to vostok", made by a single person as well
This is one long ass comment, but a good read, some good info!
Great demo!
Bugs I found:
1) if you drop a gun and pick it back up magazine will reset to max ammo, this is exploitable with the shotgun. By shooting twice then dropping the shotgun, picking it back up as soon as you drop it and then repeating, you get a full auto shotgun. Kinda broken lol
2) if you drop, reload and shoot at the same time wacky things'll happen to the gun when you pick it back up, tho they fix themselves as soon as you reload
Good job, the guns feel satisfying to use and the movement is fun. You should add sliding, tho!
bear has more polygons than women,
we are killing women in a closed town,
one of them is at the edge of building?
piss sells for 500 dollar, who pissed in it? if player didn't than its woman piss.
cant shoot down, also have no legs.
has a console but no commands?
this game is cursed, and reminds me my childhood with constant women abuse.
is this high-level sarcasm
Cant wait for the full game to come out
looks super cool but picking up weapons got stuck and i was not able to pick a different weapon over all loved it 😊
i love this demo! (and theres bugs bc idc)
Cool demo, the only thing i found to be wrong was that when you ADS with the shotgun and reload, it does not go out of wiew completeley.
Very epic :D
Bugs found:
Recoil can set yaw over 180 and make you look behind yourself
The glock has INF firerate so used with a auto clicker you get the best gun in the game
Basically what I expected from a small tech demo... Can't wait to play the finished version !!
_process is always running and with _input you need to add a Input there (ex: pressing a key), I would look in the godot docs to look at the input types.
thanks for the mac
Try using an auto clicker with the pistol, it produces some fun results...
I will be playing this live tomorrow 4/16 around 5-5:30 PM EST =D
this looks promising so far. I'm digging the lo-fi art style.
I'm not a huge fan of the recoil system. It feels quite shoppy and if you shoot a bunch without moving the mouse, you'll actually end up pointing bellow where you did initially.
coincidentally, I've actually spent quite a lot of time making a recoil system myself and I have learned (and cried) a lot.
here's a godot version: https://github.com/atornity/godot_recoil_system/blob/master/scripts/camera.gd
hope this helps in some way!
you can try my recoil system on itch now: https://atornity.itch.io/godot-recoil-system
Cool, seems like a solid base!
absolutely awesome game, i must say i had fun messing around with all of the weapons, and the piss jar. cant wait for the finished version!
Very smooth! I could see gameplay being very entertaining. Game is comical and fun while still be serious enough that I can see actual competative aspects. Great Job!
Love the game so far! Been following the development on YouTube for quite a while and it feels great to finally play the game a bit. One minor bug that I haven't really seen mentioned by others is that when you ADS and drop a gun and then let go of the right mouse button, you will be locked in ADS with all the other guns you pick up after until you press the right mouse button again. Nothing big effecting gameplay, but I thought it might've been worth mentioning. Other than that, it's amazing. Keep up the good work!
Interesting things and my thoughts on the demo:
1) The glock is a bit too strong with its ability to two tap from any range, the only balancing lever currently is the lack of ammo in each mag, however the glock has a pretty fast reload speed.
2) The glock recoil brings the gun down instead of up, I'm not sure if this is an intentional feature or a bug.
3) The firerate of the glock can be heavily increased by increasing click speed, most noticeable when using an auto clicker.
4) You can swap to another gun after firing, leading to little dps loss, while effectively doubling of ammo, easily done by quickly clicking 1 and 2 while firing.
5) You can swap between 5 guns, essentially quintupling the ammo, you can set up a macro that quickly presses 1,2,3,4,5.
6) The guns automatically reload after running out of ammo, so long as the animation starts, the guns will continue to reload themselves while you swap to another weapon
7) Combining 3), 5), and 6) you can have a 50 bullet glock that two taps from any range that benefits from reload animation cancel.
8) I would like to see bullets travel faster because the game will have a focus on running and gunning. Currently I feel the bullets are a bit too slow, and will reward leading shots and shooting ahead of the enemy as opposed to aiming directly on target.
9) I think the jar is an interesting weapon, I think that the green puff of smoke does not properly communicate it's effective splash damage range.
10) the jar does not deal damage to the user, very effective at melee range and indoors when thrown directly at one's feet, if melee weapons are added, the jar can be a very strong counter
11) if a weapon is close enough to a wall, you can pick it up through the wall
12) There is an enemy and at least one weapon on the roof of the buildings, perhaps it is an issue with communication or a skill issue, but I could not figure out if it was possible to get atop the buildings.
13) when dropping a weapon, the HUD will still display the ammo of the previous weapon despite no weapon in the slot.
14) You deal damage when shooting the ponytail
15) Pistols often clip through the ground when thrown
16) The cash out zone has a very large open area that spans across the entire map.
17) All areas of the body take the same amount of damage, because of upwards recoil and pretty forgiving hitboxes, one is rewarded for spraying at legs.
18) It would be interesting to see more weapon variety in the full game, 2/4 guns are ARs, it would be interesting to see a suppressed weapon.
19) The AKM has a weird recoil pattern when hip firing, going straight up after the 1st shot and going down after the 4th shot. I think this kind of spray pattern would make more sense if the AK were a one tap to the head like in CS, rewarding first shot accuracy over spraying
20) The AKM has a different recoil pattern when ADS, just going straight up.
21) The shotgun really screws with your crosshair placement, while other guns like the M4 will place your crosshair slightly below where the last bullet hits, the shotgun resets your crosshair very low to the ground.
22) The shotgun also goes down when hip fired and up when ADS
23) The pistol goes down when hip fired and up when ADS
24) I haven't noticed any downside to ADS, most games will reduce movement speed to dissuade ADS, but there seems to be no noticeable penalty in this demo.
Thank you for this detailed report. I wouldn't have found even half of these on my own
hello garbage, I was inspired by you to download Godot and I made a game, I was wondering if you would try it and give me tips for my next one. https://legocoder123.itch.io/legend-of-zelda-breath-of-stinky-garbage-1st-build
I was pleasantly surprised by the gameplay, although I did come across a few minor bugs during my playthrough. For example, I noticed that picking up guns through walls was possible, and that there was an issue with gun reloading when swapping weapons. However, these issues have already been identified and listed in other comments, so I'm confident that they will be addressed in future updates.
Despite these minor hiccups, the overall gameplay felt smooth and enjoyable, especially for a single player game. However, considering that this is a multiplayer game, I can see how some of the gameplay mechanics might become frustrating. For instance, the lack of damage fall off means that shotguns can deal devastating damage from a considerable distance, and the pistol seems to outperform assault rifles in terms of damage and fire rate. It would be great to see some balancing adjustments, particularly with the pistol, to ensure a more diverse range of viable options in different combat scenarios.
Another aspect that could use some improvement is the clarity of the jar grenade's damage zone. It was difficult to gauge its actual range based on the limited splash effect it showed, as it seemed to have a much greater impact than it initially appeared. Additionally, I did notice that the shooting mechanics felt a bit stiff, but I understand that you have plans to add leaning and other features to address this.
One small concern I have is that the game seems to be pulling in both fast-paced and tactical elements, which could potentially lead to conflicting gameplay styles. It might be worth considering whether the game should lean more towards one direction or the other to ensure a cohesive experience.
Despite these areas for improvement, I believe that the game has a strong foundation to build upon. You should be proud of what you have created so far, and I am excited to see how the game evolves in the future. Keep up the great work!
Found a minor bug with the gun positions, if you reload and drop the weapon during the reloading animation. picking up a weapon will position the gun at the player's feet, or at the very least at the very bottom of the camera. It fixes itself after reloading again though
its a bit good but the pistol should be re-balanced or re-textured (as a DMR or smin)
guns feel extremely lifeless which makes sense because its a demo.
My tiny brain needs its tiny neurons activated from sliding a fov slider to the max.
Idk if its intentional but the fact that I can look at a wall and do a super jump to then 360 no scope a bean (pl_beanmode 1) with a shotgun is quite fun, please leave in.
I love the art style
add sex
i think bhop is possible here lmao
Found a silly goofy little bug where you look up and keep shooting and your vision will be upside down after a while from the recoil XD
he should keep this
Like - thats what you get :D